Rodent Pest Control


 Well-known rodents include mice, rats and bandicoots, they eat a wide variety of foods but mostly prefer cereal grains, meats, fish, nuts, and some fruits. They invade buildings and remain in the basement or ground floor and cause damage by chewing on materials, urinating on food and eating stored foods and spread diseases by contaminating food. Rodents are carriers of various bacterial and viral pathogens.

"Sanitation will play a key role in rodent control management with both trapping and or baiting rodents".

To control rodents, we have used a combination of experience to trap the rodents in the first instance itself. We use new innovative “Glue trap” which is a flat piece of cardboard that is covered in a specially designed adhesive that can be placed flush against floors and walls where rodents travel. When mice travel over the glue trap, they become “stuck” and will eventually die. We use pre-scented traps to help lure the rodents to walk over the trap and these sticky mouse traps are designed to be cost effective and low maintenance when compared with more hands on methods such as the application of rodenticides. We are very particular when it comes to the quality of the board and the glue that is used in the setup of the Trap unlike the cheap variant that are available in the local market.

We choose approved glue traps to make sure highest success trap rate without allowing them to escape once they are caught

We also use “Mouse-Live catch traps” to catch multiple mice in one trap. The traps are usually made of metal to have a clear view to view inside. We use also use bait to trap with the same types of bait used in snap traps. This method is often used when want to keep the glue board protected from non-target animals and children, but still be able to use it to catch mice. Live catch traps are a great way to remove mice from your structure without harming the rodent.

We use rodenticides approved products placed in secure BAIT STATIONS and restricted to areas where food is not processed. If stored they must be stored in a suitable conditions that prevent contamination of food products and the environment.

Our team are very well experienced in locating the rodent signs and marks and will place these traps & baits at all the threatened areas after vigilant inspection and observations and putting forward a careful planned service.

Our Services

Cockroach Pest Control

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Pest Control

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Contact Us today to schedule your cockroach pest control service and say goodbye to pests for good!

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